Why You Should Not Consider Online Therapy

One of the main disadvantages of opting for an online therapist is that you will never get support for instant crisis. Let’s say you’re having a suicidal thought, your therapist may not help too much in this case, or – even worse – he might not be available at all.

There also plenty of other cons for online psychotherapy, including: unreliable technology, it’s not suitable for those who are facing psychiatric illness, online therapy is also lacking meaningful language (for instance, the therapist doesn’t have real “access” to your voice signals, body language signals, etc).

At VVFC, we offer complete life coaching services in Las Vegas, so don’t hesitate to contact us.

Psychotherapy Is ‘The’ Biological Treatment

Neuroscience surprisingly teaches us that not only is psychotherapy purely biological, but it is the only real biological treatment. It addresses the brain in the way it actually develops, matures, and operates.

It follows the principles of evolutionary adaptation. It is consonant with genetics. And it specifically heals the problematic adaptations of the brain in precisely the ways that they evolved in the first place.

Psychotherapy deactivates maladaptive brain mappings and fosters new and constructive pathways.

Source: https://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/893720 

Signs Of A Good Therapy

Have you ever though about how much your therapy helped? If you’re not sure, here are some of the signs of a good therapy:

Everything’s in your hands now. Which means that you no longer feel uncomfortable with the problems that you had in the past. If you learned something from therapy is that you now know how to deal with those problems.

You’re simply feeling better. In case you don’t feel nervous or stressed anymore, it’s because you also learned how to manage crucial situations. Feeling relieved it’s a sign of a good therapy.

Have more self control. Not only you learned how to manage crucial situations, but you’re the one who decides for himself, much more than you did in the past.

Increased confidence. If you’re feeling that fear is gone and that your confidence reached new heights, that’s also a good sign of a good therapy.

How Couple Counseling May Help

Relationships can be lot of fun, there’s no doubt about that. But still, what are going to do when something goes completely wrong, something that seems hard to overcome together?

Couple therapy may be one of the good answers. More and more couples learn how to overcome their everyday couple problems and some of them find the right path to make things even better and easier to manage.

Learning how to understand your partner better, having an open and sincere relation with your partner and finding the right way of communicating with each other are some of the positives a couple therapist can provide you with.

At VVFC, our licensed counseling therapists offer you the specific support for all types of couples, including marriage counseling, couple counseling, individual counseling & more.

How To Choose Your Best Therapist

Depending on the problems you are facing, finding the best therapist can make your life difficult, but not impossible. Trying to understand the issue you are confronting can help you find the right specialist.

Always make sure the therapist belongs to an authorized entity or association. Also, make sure the therapist is registered and that he offers full transparency in terms of services, prices, openness.

At VVFC, we provide you with complete psychotherapy and life counseling services, which you may find here.

Hours of Operation

Monday through Wednesday
9:00 AM – 9:00 PM

9:00 AM – 2:00 PM

Friday through Sunday
No office hours

How To Improve Your Self Confidence

Are you dealing with a low confidence? Don’t worry, we are all facing this from time to time. However, in case you’re too concerned about it, here are some ways you can boost your self-confidence.

Avoid gossip at work. Pratt says workplace gossip destroys the self-confidence of the gossiper because it reveals the gossiper’s need to be seen as “in the know” or superior to the person at whom the gossip is directed.

Deal with frustrations as soon as they occur. Resolving minor issues and conflicts in a positive way with minimum drama not only relieves your frustration, it presents you to co-workers and bosses as a competent, responsible person.

Use self-esteem affirmations to overcome negative self-beliefs that limit your initiative in the work place. Articulate the limiting belief, such as “I am not very talented” and replace it with a positive affirmation, such as “I am talented and competent on the job.”

At VVFC, we offer complete life counseling services in Las Vegas.

Hours of Operation

Monday through Wednesday
9:00 AM – 9:00 PM

9:00 AM – 2:00 PM

Friday through Sunday
No office hours


How To Deal With Bad Relationships

Are you involved in relationships that you’re no longer comfortable with? It’s time to relax and learn how to manage tensed relationships. Start with identifying those moments that simply suck your blood. Those colleagues, co-workers or even family members whom you believe to get you anxious must also be aware of that.

Dealing with such bad relationships is not easy until you and all those involved get aware of. If you feel you can’t manage these relationships or it comes very difficult for you to overcome them, then it’s time to have a talk to a psychologist.

At VVFC, we offer complete life coaching services which may help you overcome these bad relationships, as well.

Hours of Operation

Monday through Wednesday
9:00 AM – 9:00 PM

9:00 AM – 2:00 PM

Friday through Sunday
No office hours

How You Can Fix Your Relationship Yourself

If you are not willing to visit a therapist, at least for the moment, in order to get your relationship back on track, here are some ways you may try to do it yourself. But beware, since each relationship is unique, this doesn’t mean that one solution that worked on the other it will also work for you.

First, you must unilaterally disarm, make everything transparent between you and your partner and try to be as honest as possible. Then, it’s highly important to make a short analysis over your past and try to observe certain patterns that lead to weaker relationship.

Finally, always try to communicate what you feel and make sure you understand each other very well. If these things are difficult to manage, then it’s time to indeed visit a therapist.

The Value Of Working With Anger In Relationships

The initial burst of hormones that produce the intense feelings of love subsides within a few months. After that, day-to-day feelings are transitory reactions to changes within — physical resources (energy, hunger, thirst, etc.), hormonal ebbs and flows, memories, sensations, thoughts, and ego-defense — and to changes without: perceptions of the environment and other people. On a routine basis, feelings are about temporary variations in comfort, convenience, pleasure, and status.

Values, on the other hand, are stable over time and ultimately supported by a sense of character. While feelings create temporary importance, values give enduring meaning and purpose to life. Feelings may forge committed relationships, but values sustain them. The power of love is not in what if feels like. The enormous power of love comes from the value and meaning it brings to our lives.

Those who act on their feelings more than their values will fail at committed relationships, simply because no one feels like remaining true to their values most of the time.

At VVFC we provide couple and marriage counseling services in Las Vegas. Meet your therapist today and overcome your everyday relationship problems.

Hours of Operation

Monday through Wednesday
9:00 AM – 9:00 PM

9:00 AM – 2:00 PM

Friday through Sunday
No office hours

What To Expect From Psychotrapy

First of all, psychotherapy is for all those of us who want to better understand the everyday behaviour, conflicts, trauma, disorders, etc. Concerning the expectations, don’t expect to solve all your problems in the first sessions. Psychotherapy is a long-term relationship between you and your therapist.

Once you discovered all your problems and understood everything that’s been happening, you are ready to learn how to overcome your mental and personal problems.

Also, make sure you open in front of your therapist so he can better understand you, as well. Once the starting point is set, you are in good hands. Either your facing addiction problems or marriage/couple poor relationships, you’ll better learn how to both be aware of and solve them.

At VVFC, we offer complete life coaching services in Las Vegas, including addition, individual counseling, couple therapy & more.

Hours of Operation

Monday through Wednesday
9:00 AM – 9:00 PM

9:00 AM – 2:00 PM

Friday through Sunday
No office hours