Online Counseling

It may fit your time schedule and financial plan (saving time & money) to utilize online therapy appointments from any location via FaceTime or Zoom. I am pleased to assist you in this way. CALL TOLL FREE to schedule an online counseling appointment 888.499.VVFC (888.499.8832)

Our therapist, Alan Raddatz, approaches online counseling with the same level of care and professionalism as in-person counseling.


Schedule an Appointment

Meet the Therapist

Alan Raddatz, MSW BCD is a Board Certified Diplomate (# 013874) and has more than 10 years of clinical experience. He is a goal-oriented therapist who understands problems for many perspectives and employs several approaches in serving people – individuals, couples, families, groups, of all ages and backgrounds.

In addition to the convenience, affordability, accessibility, flexibility of online counseling, you may also find the following benefits helpful as well:

  • Reduced stigma: Online counseling can help to reduce the stigma associated with mental health treatment and personal and family matters. This is because you can receive therapy and counseling from the comfort of your own home, without having to worry about being seen by others.
  • Increased anonymity: Online counseling can provide you with increased anonymity.
  • Greater access to providers: Online counseling can give you access to a wider range of providers, including those who specialize in specific issues or who are located in different parts of the country or world.

Here are some additional questions to ask yourself to help you decide if online counseling is right for you:

  • Do I have a reliable internet connection?
  • Am I comfortable talking about my mental health and personal issues online?
  • Do I have a private place where I can conduct therapy sessions?
  • Am I willing to commit to regular therapy sessions?
  • Am I open to trying a new approach to therapy?
Online counseling